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Jinx Killer/ High Conquering Triple Strength Bath & Sprinkling Salts


Opens Roads to Health, Wealth, & Prosperity. Busts through any blocks or forces that are holding and keeping you down and preventing you from the Success that you know you deserve and want. These Blessed Crystals have the power to kill all jinx and Help you overcome all problems and bad situations in your life – so you can CONQUER ALL or ANY conditions that are troubling you – and with POWER!


Opens Roads to Health, Wealth, & Prosperity. Busts through any blocks or forces that are holding and keeping you down and preventing you from the Success that you know you deserve and want. These Blessed Crystals have the power to kill all jinx and Help you overcome all problems and bad situations in your life – so you can CONQUER ALL or ANY conditions that are troubling you – and with POWER!

Jinx Killer / High Conquering Triples Strength Bath & Sprinkling Salt

Sprinkle near front and back door and in corners of rooms – or sprinkle all around the outside of your house. Put three tablespoons in bath water and say Psalm 143 before or while bathing. You may also use the same amount in your mop water. May God Bless You always!