Bathing with St. Michael’s Go Away Evil Bath will help to invoke the protective powers of Archangel St. Michael- one of the most powerful and protective angels in the holy army of God. Never fear being hexed, jinxed, crossed or cursed because St. Michael always defeats evil and makes the devil run- far and fast. You will conquer all problems and situations with the powerful help of the almighty St. Michael.
St. Michael’s Go Away Evil Bath 16oz. Makes evil go away for good!
Bath: Useย 1/2 bottle in your tub when taking a bath at a quiet time.ย Say Psalm 54 or the St. Michael Prayer (Order No. R1272) while bathing. Concentrate on your desires.
Floors: Useย 1/2 bottleย in a bucket of water to clean your home. Scrub near doorways and in all rooms to get rid of the devil and all evil. Concentrate on your desires.
Sprinkling:ย Pour 9 capfuls into a large cup of water and sprinkle in corners of rooms, and in back or front yard and near all doorways in your home. Say Psalm 54 or the St. Michael Prayer (Order No. R1272) before sprinkling. Concentrate on your desires. Use a Whole bottle for Extra power.
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