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St. Martin de Porres Prayer Card


Helper of poor, sick, and all animals.

SKU R1269 Category


Introducing the St. Martin de Porres Prayer Card, a powerful and inspiring tool for invoking the intercession of this remarkable saint. St. Martin de Porres, known for his unwavering charity towards both humans and animals, serves as a splendid example of selfless love and compassion. Through this prayer card, we honor his legacy and seek his assistance in our times of need. The included prayer beautifully articulates our plea for guidance and strength, asking St. Martin de Porres to listen to our supplications and help us emulate his virtues. By living contentedly in our current circumstances and carrying our burdens with fortitude, we aim to follow the path of Jesus Christ and his afflicted mother. Ultimately, we entrust our hopes for reaching the Kingdom of Heaven to the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ. Embrace the opportunity to connect with St. Martin de Porres through this prayer card, allowing his spirit of charity to inspire and uplift you on your spiritual journey. Amen.

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One Card, Three Cards


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