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Spellbreaker XXX Strength Bath & Floor Wash Liquid


Breaks any evil spell, curse or hex placed on you by your enemies, or anyone else.
Destroys any voodoo, hoodoo, or witchcraft done to you by any known or unknown persons.


Any and every spell that has been put upon your life will be broken when one bathes or cleans their home with this incredible Spell Breaker bath & floor wash. This is a specially made bath & floor wash that breaks any spell, curse or hex placed on you by your enemies or anyone else. After the spell has been broken, the user will be able to attain fast luck, This will kill & destroy any powerful spell placed on you- whether it is voodoo, hoodoo, or witchcraft. Be free of evil, so you can stop suffering and be happy and lucky.

Floors: Use 1/2 bottle in a bucket of water to clean your home. Mop or scrub near doorways. Concentrate on your desires. Say Psalm 54 before hand, if you can.

Bath: Use1/2 bottle in your tub at a quiet time. Concentrate on your desires or Say Psalm 54 while bathing for at least 9 minutes.

Sprinkling: Add 9 capfuls to a large cup of water and sprinkle near doorways and/or your front or back yard to get rid of evil spells on you and your home.

Use the Whole Bottle for Extra PowerSay Psalms 54 or 64 before sprinkling. Concentrate on your desires.


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