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High John the Conqueror Extra Large Root (Jumbo)


This Super Jumbo High John the Conqueror Root is said to bring about Good Luck and Draw Money. It lets you Conquer ALL Your Conditions; Helps Drive Away Evil & Jinx.


Comes with easy directions. ROOT w/ Free Bag and High John the Conqueror Oil!

 IMPORTANT!!! These Herbs and Roots are not to be taken internally. They are not sold as medicine. They are offered as curios only! DO NOT CONSUME!!

This Super Jumbo High John the Conqueror Root is said to bring about Good Luck and Draw Money. It lets you Conquer ALL Your Conditions, no matter how bad they are. This special root blocks out negative vibrations and lets good vibrations come through. This root has powers attributed to superstition and faith in God. Faith moves mountains!

This POWERFUL and FAMOUS root has legendary powers, which are no secret to anyone. Many reverends, ministers, spiritualists and common folk use this root to REMOVE Jinxed and Crossed Conditions from those who carry it.

This root is known to Drive Away Evil & Jinx & Make the Devil Run, far and fast! The stories passed down from generation to generation tell of its miraculous powers when combined with faith in God.

WARNING: These herbs are rare commodities. Please Note that prices are subject to change at any time. This is due to wide fluctuation in pricing from various vendors, due to lack of availability at any given time.