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7 Elephants XXX Strength Spiritual Water


The power of 7 Elephants will bring you good luck, money, prosperity & success in abundance. The luck of 7 elephants will be with you, so you are always blessed.


The luck and power of 7 elephants can move mountains- if you have faith. Overcome all problems with their help. This highly spiritual water can bring you good luck, money, prosperity & success in abundance. You will get all the money you need or wanted, and you will be granted the ability to earn or win money, so that you are successful and wealthy, the legend goes.

7 Elephants XXX Strength Spiritual Water 16oz.

Floors: Use 7 capfuls in a bucket of water to clean your home or place of business. Mop or clean your rooms, especially near the doorways. Use 1/2 bottle for Extra power.

Bath: Use 7 capfuls in your tub at a quiet time. Concentrate on your desires- saying your wish or prayer, while bathing. Use 1/2 bottle for Extra power.

Sprinkling:  Pour 7 capfuls in a cup of water and sprinkle in corners of rooms, near doorways and/or in back or front yard for quick results. Use 1/2 bottle for Extra power.


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