The legend behind Black Chicken (Gallina Negra)

Black Chicken

The Black Chicken has been used to remove evil and bad luck for centuries. Legend says that it was deeply rooted in the traditional beliefs of many cultures, including Asian, Hispanic, and African American. It is said that the black color of the chickens symbolizes the absorption of negative energy, turning it into positive energy. Today many people still use Black Chicken Spiritual Items to cleanse themselves or their environment, bring in good luck and remove evil and witchcraft. We at carry many different Black Chicken items that you can pick from to improve your life.

Black Chicken 7 Day Candle

This 7-day blessed candle Removes spells, hexes, jinxes, enemies, bad luck, witchcraft, and crossed conditions. A powerful candle to gain victory over all evil and the devil and all his works. Say your wish and prayer at a quiet time before lighting and Psalm 54, if possible. Concentrate on your desires.

Black Hen (Gallina Negra) Perfumed 7 Day CANDLE

Are you looking for a powerful way to remove negative energy and protect yourself from harm? The Black Hen (Gallina Negra) Perfumed 7 Day candle is believed to have spiritual properties that can help eliminate evil or bad luck that may be affecting you. This candle is used to “scratch off” any negativity that has been directed towards you.

This candle can be used to remove jinxes,hexes, and curses, as well as to drive away troublesome people from your life. It is also believed to confuse your enemies and keep them out of your life for good.

Black Chicken XXX Strength Water

Any and every spell, hex, enemy, jinx and witchcraft that has been put upon your life will be broken when one bathes or cleans their home with this incredible Black Chicken. This is a specially made spiritual water that breaks all spells. After the Black Chicken has destroyed your spell, you will be able to gain fast luck. You will never be under bad luck ”spell” again when the Black Chicken destroys all your problems!

Black Hen (Gallina Negra) Spray

Use this powerful spray – passed down from old Hoodoo culture—to Remove and Destroy All Spells, Hexes, Jinxes, Curses, Voodoo and Witchcraft OFF you and your home or surroundings. Get rid of your enemies and uncross yourself now,  by spraying it on you or in your home at least once a day.

Chicken’s Foot

The Chicken’s Foot has long been used to ward off evil. This Protection charm can be carried as an amulet to protect against enemies and keep all evil far from you. Keep your Chicken Foot hidden and private, don’t allow others to see it or touch it. For extra power, anoint it with our Protection Pure Oil (X4280) to bring extra power to you! Use to rid negatives, clear crossed conditions, rid evil thoughts, hexes, and spiritual attacks. Carry it with you or place it in your car or home to protect yourself from all enemies! Can carry in (M1051) Black Blessed Carrying Bag.

The Black Pullet otherwise known as the Hen that lays Golden Eggs (80 PAGE BOOK):

The Black Pullet is a mysterious and captivating book that tells the story of a soldier who discovers a hidden treasure in the form of a Black Hen. The soldier learns the secrets of the Hen, including the ability to produce Golden Eggs that bring wealth and prosperity to its owner. The golden eggs become the focus of the soldier’s journey as he navigates through magical and dangerous adventures to unlock the full potential of the Black Pullet. The allure of the golden eggs drives the narrative forward, as the soldier learns valuable lessons about power, responsibility, and the consequences of greed. The Black Pullet is a fascinating tale that explores the human desire for wealth and the price one must pay to attain it.

In conclusion, Black Chicken offers a rich tapestry of tradition and belief that many still embrace today. The ancient wisdom and practices associated with these tools have been passed down through generations, and they continue to hold significance in modern spiritual practices. Whether you seek to cleanse your environment, protect yourself from negativity, or invite good fortune into your life, these powerful tools can serve as valuable allies on your journey towards spiritual growth and well-being. Explore our collection and find the perfect item to enhance your spiritual practice, and may it bring you the peace and positivity you seek.

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