Personalize Your Own Luck Shop Candles

Personalized Custom Made Candles 2 800X600

We ship candles to all parts of the United States and beyond. They are some of the best-selling products in the Luck Shop catalog and for a very good reason. People use candles in many different ways for a diverse array of intentions and desires.

Burning candles during prayer removes the other distractions of this earthy world and allows us to concentrate wholly on being present in our prayers. They create at once a calming and relaxed atmosphere where we can quiet our minds and hearts to be open to receive the fullness of blessings. The flickering light also reminds us of the Spirit present all around us. For generations, across many different cultures, and transcending religious beliefs, people burn candles to make their prayer time more effective and more meaningful.

Custom Colored Candles proudly announces our newest product and service: Personalized (Custom Made) Candles. With this new feature, our customers can choose the candle color, provide a purpose, add a personalized message, and even upload a unique photograph to be included on the label.

If you wish to give a special gift to a loved one such as a parent, a graduate, or a life partner, these candles make excellent gifts. They are also perfect for commemorating a special event such as weddings, birthdays, holidays, or feast days. You can create candles in memory of a friend or family member who has moved from our life here on the mortal plane to paradise.

Our customers have asked for products which can be created and blessed especially for them. We have developed other products and services including the Rev. Moses Prayer List, our Candle Burning Service, and Rev. Moses Lucky Numbers. However, this new product offering is completely new and allows you to have a unique candle created specifically for your one-of-a-kind intention.

Great to give as gifts or to use in your own prayer sessions, design, build, and burn a custom-made candle. Get started by clicking the link below.

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