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Break Up Master Power Bag


I need to break up these two people fast! It’s just not right that they’re together, nor is it fair. I know it can and must be done, for me and by me!

SKU K4005 Category


Break those two people up- no matter who they are. You know they don’t belong together, it’s not right. Separate them and keep them apart for good. 

You now possess what we feel is a combination of very powerful supplies. We chose 7 items because we feel this is a symbol of luck which can be prosperous to you.

You may keep the bag directly on you or in a safe place such as in your bedroom, car or pillow.

Use the leftover oil to anoint it (3 drops) once a week. After 1 year bury or destroy your bag and get a new one.

 Each Master Power Bag is made with your special purpose in mind. With this bag you will recieve: The Master Power Bag, Oil, Herbs, Root, Personal Lucky Stone, Special Power Seal, Sachet Powder, and easy directions on how to use.


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