Marie Laveau: The Queen of Voodoo

Marie Laveau Products
Marie Laveau

Marie Laveau was the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans. She was a woman of many powers, but among her most powerful were healing the sick, extending altruistic gifts to the poor, and overseeing spiritual rites. While she was a committed mother and wife, she also prioritized taking care of her spiritual children and the community that she lived in. The black priestess wielded tremendous power in her community and rumors of her magical powers is what would eventually bring her to fame.

She deviated far from what the norms were in her time. Laveau married a white man and went on to have a thirty-year relationship with him, she owned several slaves when she would become a free woman, and worked with people of all races, black and white included.

Jacques Paris, her husband of five years, passed away or left her in 1824. It isn’t known to this day which one was true, but regardless, she began to refer to herself as Widow Paris. She was also left with two children to raise. To make money, she began to work as a hairdresser for wealthy white women and Creole women of New Orleans. These women would confess their deepest secrets and desires about their partner or lover, their families, their land, their money, and their business affairs. Once she had her fifteen children with her new lover, Louis Christophe Dumesnil, her hairdressing career was finished. She then used to could devote all of her energy to her children.

As the Queen of Voodoo, she was the “mother” of many people. When these people would come to her for advice, she would help her practitioners by supplying them with advice or spiritual goods, ranging from candles to incense to powders to essential oils.

Throughout her lifetime, she would commit a big portion of her time to community service, such as: nursing patients, posting bail for women of color, and going to prison to pray with those who were in their final hours.

On June 15th, 1881, the Marie Laveau era came to an end when Marie died peacefully in her cottage on St. Ann Street at the age of 79. She has the most visited tomb in all of New Orleans’ cemeteries.

Luck Shop’s Marie Laveau Kits

Marie Laveau To Stop Gossip Kit

We have assembled a collection of kits containing the magic power of spells and spiritual goods of Marie Laveau. Choose the right kit for you, your friends, or your loved ones. Each kit comes complete withe directions and a free Marie Laveau Book of Black & White Magic. Our kits include:

  • Advice to Spiritualist & Mediums Kit
  • For Prosperity Kit
  • How to Attract Attention Kit
  • How to Promote Peace in the Home Kit
  • Lady or Man in Lawsuit Kit
  • Lady Who Cannot Get Friends Kit
  • Lady Who Lost Her Lover Kit
  • Man Whose Wife Left Him Kit
  • Lady Who Cannot Keep Men Friends Kit
  • Control Troublesome Neighbors Kit
  • Gambling Hand Kit
  • Going On Trial Kit
  • Helping Hand Kit
  • How to Influence People Kit
  • Lady Who Wishes to Cross Her Enemies Kit
  • Lady Whose Husband or Partner Left Her Kit
  • Man or Woman in Bad Luck Kit
  • Man Who Cannot Get a Sweetheart Kit
  • Man Who Lost His Sweetheart Kit
  • Man Whose Business Is Poor Kit
  • Lucky Hand Kit
  • How to Improve Your Condition Kit
  • Lady Who Has an Empty House Kit
  • Person Who Wishes to Be Uncrossed Kit
  • Person Who Wishes to Obtain a Job Kit
  • Person Whose Business Is in Bad Shape Kit
  • The Best Gambling Hand Kit
  • To Conquer Those That Have Made You Suffer Kit
  • To Develop Happiness Kit
  • To Dress Homes, Places of Business & Churches Kit
  • To Gain Spiritual Strength Kit
  • To Get Rid of Evil Spirits Kit
  • To Obtain Success Kit
  • To Stop Gossip Kit

To get the kit that matches your specific needs and to harness the power of Marie Laveau, click the button below.

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